Bicycle Diaries: Can GM be that bad?

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Can GM be that bad?

horse & cycle

With the venerable auto-maker teetering on insolvency, I think it's important to remember that 84 years ago De Witt Page, its then vice president, opined that neither bikes nor horses were being put out of business by cars. I wonder what he'd say today. Does the phenomenal growth in bike sales herald a renaissance of the car? Doubt it...
Before the 21st Annual Convention of the Cycle Trades of America, at Manhattan, rose De Witt Page ... "Many of my friends," said Mr. Page, unsmiling, "now find parking conditions so intolerable that they ride on bicycles to their offices. . . The automobile has made suburban life possible. In the suburbs children can and do ride bicycles in safety. In nearly all of the fashionable girls' colleges and preparatory schools there are bicycle clubs."

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