The Queen of Scots
my early spring
I got this '53 Lady's Rudge through eBay back in January. She sat in my basement until this weekend. The weather was warm enough to get to work on restoring her and with the Jane Train out of town I actually had the time. I've christened her The Queen of Scots.
I've always wanted a Rudge with the funky hand on the chainwheel. Not surprisingly, I jumped at the chance even though it's a lady's bike. And I'm going to ride her at the upcoming 3speed Tour. But how does one dress for a lady's ride?
In a kilt! I figure at least some indomitable Highlanders rolled about the heath. Why wouldn't they then display their clan's pride as well as their mechanical prowess? Also, I did my undergrad degree at America's premier Presbyterian school where our mascot is The Fighting Scot.
Unfortunately, I find my alma mater's tartan; from the Clan McCleod, rather off-putting. So I chose this sport tartan based on the Clan Muir. Besides, I am The Accidental Environmentalist. Why not wear the tartan of John Muir's clan?
But why Queen of Scots? Well ... Mary, on the right, travels nearly everywhere with my überboss 300+ days a year. Though a Scot, she's not Catholic. But this Wee Free makes everything happen for her and the rest of us. So I think, all in all, it's a fitting name.
Labels: kraftwerk, that which rolls, velopunk
Or you could be lucky enough to have a family tartan
hey I'm in the windy city on holiday (I believe it's vacation that side of the pond) in September spare me a morning for a ride?
Fat Lad
Indeedy! Unfortunately, the Wandering Jews in my family never wandered ... er, rolled ... off the continent %-{)> So now its
Think Yiddish
Dress Scottish!!!
I love it! How did wearing a kilt on a bike work? I'm a frequent kilt-wearer, whether Utilikilt or real kilt, but I've always thought it'd be too uncomfortable to wear a kilt on a bike (for reasons of pleat-rubbing).
Rollin' with a kilt poses no worries except for the initial anxieties over exposing one's privates. But a pair of the shorter bike shorts takes care of that!
So I take that to mean that you did have some fly-up issues. Were you wearing a sporran? Did it get in the way?
Fat Lad-
I'd be honored to ride w/yo in Sept. Just contact me direct by email.
Fly up isn't too much of an issue with a Sports Kilt since the front panel isn't pleated. Just anxiety on my part because I never did it before. As for sporran, I imagine it would bang around on one's junk %-{)>
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