Bicycle Diaries: Mayakovsky was a cager

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Mayakovsky was a cager

Several weeks ago, Illya Szilak wrote me about my post on Rodchenko Mayakovsky:
FYI: Mayakovsky did own a car, a Renault that he brought back from Paris for Lily Brik. He was already accused of being insufficiently proletarian, so it would have been better to stick with his bike. In any case, I thought you’d be interested in the website for a new novel Reconstructing Mayakovsky.

The site is inventive and interactive. Like the novel, it combines elements of science fiction (the man did ask to be resurrected in the future,) poetry, the detective story and historical fiction to tell the story of Mayakovsky in a radically different way.

If you enjoy it, I hope you’ll share it with your friends or on your blog. Thanks.

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