Bicycle Diaries: Budapest traffic taming

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Budapest traffic taming

the Magyar Bycall

From the same country that gave us Nikolai Tesla comes Kitchen Budapest, a self-described spicy innovation lab. It's a new media lab for 20somethings who passionate about bringing together mobile communication, online communities and urban space. And they've created a little gadget that lets cagers know when bikers are near!
ByCall is a portable radio alarm system for urban bikers who want to warn car drivers about their presence nearby to avoid accidents. It is basicly an FM-transmitter fitted on the bike, which emits a constant audio warning in a 5-10 m range on all radio frequencies, so that when the biker gets near a car, the driver will hear the warning on his own car radio if it's turned on (which usually is). The beta version of ByCall will be made for the three most popular radio frequencies, but the final goal is to make a device which works on all available frequencies.

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