Bicycle Diaries: Toronto rolls!

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Toronto rolls!

One of the best bike blogs out there is Martino's Bike Lane Diary. He's up north of us in Toronto. Here in Chicago, folks tend to think of our Canadian neighbor as a smaller, cleaner, and ... more polite version of Chicago. I've worked up there a couple of times and can't agree more.

I especially enjoy his photos. Although Martino's posts are less wordy then mine, he really captures the feel of rolling through Toronto. It may be a generational thing. I find that older bikes such as myself rely more on verbal rather than visual expression as do younger bikers.

Also, the site's a good way to get an idea of how bike advocacy translates in Canadian. His links are both comprehensive and interesting without being too serious.

After Toronto's August Critical Mass he posted the following comic from Jim Dyer's Scorcher. I really sums up the feelings I've had each time rolling home from a mass by myself. Enjoy!

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