Bicycle Diaries: The right ride

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The right ride

train tracks,
& cars
... oh my!

This interactive website is the brainchild of Chris Braiotta, a Somerville, MA website developer. It aims to collect intelligence from other riders about the best, worst, and most hazardous locations across Greater Boston. Users can add their own hot spots using a wiki-style feature, which Braiotta plans to inaugurate this week.

Powered by Google Maps, the site features an interactive map of locations considered dangerous by local riders. The initial list of hazards was provided by Ian Thistle, a bike enthusiast of Braiotta's acquaintance. While Braiotta exercises control over the data to prevent online vandals from adding bad information, most vetting and evaluation is done by other users.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should also check out This is a site that (I think) is run by the Cycling Touring Club (CTC) in the UK.

Basically, you report a pothole, poor road surface, or other road hazard, and they contact the local authority to get them to fix it. Includes interactive maps, status on reported problems, the ability to upload images of the problems, etc, etc.

I've just checked and for some reason the site's down at the moment . . . (DRAT) . . . working with computers is often so much like working with children or animals . . .

31/5/07 08:04  

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