Bicycle Diaries: Bikers 2 - cagers 0

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Bikers 2 - cagers 0

testing that 3 foot rule

Usually in the bike vs car wars, the guy on the bike loses; here are two cases where the result was different. From Treehugger:

A woman was driving her Buick (illegally) through Nankai University in China, and bumped into a cyclist, which scratched her car. She got out and demanded an apology and payment for damages, while students gathered... The police came. The driver's mother and brother came. Campus security came. Teachers came. And more -- a lot more -- students came.

After the driver's brother assaulted a student who tried to further scratch the Buick, that's when things got, as they say, 'blown out of proportion.' The amassed students had their way with the car, and a 10-inch scratch turned into something more like a writeoff...
In Toronto, a slightly less violent event happened and was caught on video. We quote City TV:
It happened around 3:45pm, when a motorist tried to make an illegal turn that almost knocked a rider off his bike. The angry cyclist refused to let the driver get away with it, constantly preventing him from making the prohibited turn, and taunting him with remarks about 'playing the game.'
Every time the driver attempted to escape, the biker would simply get in front of him, daring him to hit him. He didn't, and the cat-and-mouse traffic incident went on for a few minutes until passersby intervened and calmed the two-wheeler down. When they did, the driver finally made his turn and tried to get away from the area. But even then he didn't get far. He was immediately stopped by police and handed a ticket for the illegal turn. And just to add insult to injury, the cops weren't in a cruiser - they were also riding bikes.'

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